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Environmental protection

Natural protection for soil and ground water.

The discharge of harmful substances into the ecological systems of the air, water and soil is a major problem. Our dolomite flour counteracts this harmful impact and, thanks to its properties, is used universally to protect the environment. Due to its ability to neutralise acid and condition mud and its sanitising and carbonising effects, it can be used in a wide variety of applications.

Specifically, these applications include:

  • Forest liming/soil remediation (raising the pH-value, neutralising acidic soils)
  • Sewage treatment
  • Pond and water protection (preventing eutrophication/oxygen depletion)
  • Drinking water purification

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Your point of contact for applications in environmental protection.

TKDZ GmbH, 5441 Wellen Jasmin Pfeiffer Quality management
TKDZ GmbH, 54441 Wellen Erwin Roller Laboratory


Products for environmental protection.

We also have a wide selection of other size fractions. If you have any questions regarding our range of products, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

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Lime fertiliser 0–0.09
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Lime fertiliser 0–2
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Lime fertiliser 0–2 special
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